Friday, October 16, 2020

writing application for opening a debating club

Imagine, you are the students of Khulna Collegiate School. You are keenly interested to enjoy facilities of a debating club/a debating society. Now, write an application to the Headmaster your school for opening a debating club

10 January, 2020
The Headmaster,
Khulna Collegiate School, Khulna

Subject: Application for opening a debating Club.

Dear Sir,
With due respect we, the students of your school, state that there is no debating club in our school, we are very much interested in debates.
Now we have decided to open a debating club. We think the club will help us to develop our power of thinking and speaking. 

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to give necessary permission to open a debating club in our school and oblige thereby.

We remain,
Yours obediently,
The students of your school.

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