Thursday, October 1, 2020

A Scene In A Hospital-Paragraph

We received a news that one of our relatives was very sick. He was hospitalized. My father got the name of the hospital and bed number of the patient. It was a Sunday. The children are allowed as visitors on Sundays. So my parents took me with them to the hospital. This is the first time that I saw a hospital. We got into a lift and landed on the third floor. Then we took a turn to the left, and reached a large ward having at least fifty beds. 
Almost all the beds were occupied by patients. Our patient was a middle-aged man. He was a distant cousin of my father. He met with a road accident with a fracture in the ankle of his left leg. He was operated two days back by an orthopedic surgeon. Now his condition was better. I saw some other patients who had bandages on their arm, leg or chest. Perhaps they also suffered some kind of injury. The sight was not at all pleasant. I felt mentally sick, and was counting minutes for our departure time.

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