Twentieth century has been admittedly the age of Science and of technology. This trend is sure to continue in the 21st century, with wonderful prosperity lying ahead of us. Man's-quenchless curiosity will lead him to pursue a three-dimensional probe-more advancement in land, sea and in the space. Among the miracles that Science has in store of us are cloning i.e. producing replica of some animals followed by human beings. Computer science is expected to register tremendous progress. Writing, even printing will be computerized. So newspapers will be available at home printed on software with symbols. Even composing poetry is likely to be computerized. Internet arrangements will bring the world nearer home. Communication will improve phenomenally and the world would be reduced to a global village. Household chores will be mainly done by robots or man-like machines. Computers will also make correct predictions if they are accurately fed with data. A 21st century man like one in the dense African forest, easily seated in his own room, will enjoy seeing wild animals appearing with their roars and get the smell of their bodies, thanks to computers. Medical Science will advance so much that different limbs of man, including heart and even brain, will be transplanted. Even an accidentally dismembered limb will be re-set so perfectly that it will be as exact as it was before that accident. Most of the killing devices will be controlled if not eradicated by the use of different types of waves. On top of all, a British biologist claim that it will be made possible for males to conceive and carry babies by genetic engineering.
Oceanography will advance beyond measure. As a result, man's food problem will be largely solved. Besides, chemical food and synthetical tablets will be available to supplement and fully meet the food want. . Some scientists apprehend that mankind will eventually perish from the globe not for want of food but for want of power or energy to heat that food. But some Russian scientists hope to reflect largely the mighty sun so that it would be possible to carry on usual avocations even at night turned into day, thereby saving light and heat energy enormously. Scientists do not lag behind in their expectations. They predict that man's dream of starting inter-planetary communications will come true in the coming century. Besides, it will be quite possible to set up a human colony in Mars and in the moon. In the meantime, with the help of digital and internet sight, sound and smell would be stored up in cassettes for future use of scholars. Consumerism will naturally increase overmuch in the next century. Will such overwhelming and unrestrained material enjoyment turn men anti-god atheists ?
In any case, many men will experience a hidden want amidst such a plenty and enjoyment. For this spiritual craving the world would probably turn to India where still lingers spiritualism.
Politically the emergence of a super state or making the world body (U.N.O) all powerful is a legitimate expectation. World citizenship will grow and-fear of over whelming natural calamities due to imbalance created by unscrupulous scientists all over the world will largely disappear. Exploitation and deprivation will be largely controlled. A happy and prosperous order is thus assured.
Finally, the computer will play a supreme role in the intellectual field and make accurate arrangements and predictions. Micro-computer technology will even make our garments think and look after human comfort subjectively. Man will live long as the kingdom of heaven might dawn.
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