Thursday, September 24, 2020

Science In Education-Essay/Composition

Ours is peculiarly the age of science. Scientific inventories have completely changed the nature of human life. Science has added greatly to our material comforts and amenities. It has also increased the pace or tempo of living. It has given man an altogether new social and political outlook. Hence in this age the study of science is a necessity ; without such study a modern man is a misfit. 

The study of science should begin early in life. The first steps should be to teach boys and girls the habit of observation. The child is always interested in what he sees around him. His curiosity in this regard should be developed. 

Practical demonstration, and actual experiments should precede the study of theories. It is only after the mind is well trained with the help of examples and experiments that the explanations of theories should be attempted. In out country, the reverse method is largely followed. 
The study of science has an educative influence on the mind and is of far-reaching importance. It makes one lover of truth. It creates realistic attitude to life. It is also the enemy of superstition. We develop the attitude of 'test, question-and examine' before accepting a postulate. 

Science gives substance and reality to one's sense of values and opens new fields of service to humanity. Prafulla Chandra Ray spent sixty years of his life in the laboratory, — as one truly devoted to human welfare. Yet he did not use to introduce technicalities of Science in common conversation. 

The study of science acts as a perpetual urge to acquire knowledge, by pushing the frontiers of knowledge further and farther. The more we know of the secrets of nature, the more we realize how much remains unknown. Science has made it possible to send manned satellites around the earth. Even an astronaut went to the moon. It is today dreaming and working in terms of inter-planetary travels. Those who undervalue scientific education may take to a study of literature and art. To study science does not mean that one must refuse to study anything else. Acharya Prafulla Chandra devoted his spare hours to studying Shakespeare and Gibbon. Einstein refreshed himself on the violin as did Satyen Bose with his esraj. Modern curriculum of Studies includes the study of science, because the modern man needs a scientific mind set in approaching the problems of life.

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