Wednesday, September 23, 2020

My Daily Routine Or, My Daily life Or, A Typical Day of Mine

Introduction: Daily life means a life according to a routine. A daily routine is essential for success in life. It is very essential for a student. I am a student of class nine. So I have also a routine. I follow it strictly.

Daily Activities:

In the morning: I wake up very early in the morning. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I do prayer and meditation. Next, I go out for a morning walk. After walking for some time, I return home. After that, I enter my reading room to prepare my lesson. After finishing my lesson, I go to take my bath, take my breakfast, put on my school uniform and start for school at 10 a.m.

At School: Our school start time at 10.30 a.m., leisure time at 1:00 p.m. I take my tiffin in time. Our school breaks up at 4 p.m. After that I return home straight.

In the Afternoon: I never waste time with bad boys. In the afternoon I go to the playground and play with my classmates. I return home before sunset.

At Night: I go to my reading room. Sitting at my reading table, I prepare my lessons till 10 p.m. After that I do my `Esha' prayer. I take my supper. Besides, I also read newspapers and watch important TV programs. I usually go to bed at 11:30 p.m. and have a sound sleep.

Changes in My Routine: This is my daily routine. There are some changes in this routine. On Friday I work in my flower garden. I water the plants everyday. During long vacation, I go to visit my relatives.

Conclusion: A routine life is a must for success in life. Without following a routine, none can reach the goal of his life. So everybody should follow a daily routine.

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